Adalbert STIFTER, «La misericordia» y «Muerte de una joven»

Artículo Materias > Ciencias Sociales Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Español Los cuentos se ambientan en un trasfondo cristiano con el fin de provocar cierta catarsis a través de los contextos que plantean: por un lado, una pequeña niña enferma que se halla postrada en la cama y, por otro, una madre que llora la pérdida prematura de su joven hija.A través de estos cuentos, Stifter retrata diferentes actitudes propias de la naturaleza humana ante las dificultades terrenales. En «La Misericordia» se puede identificar la reacción infantil de una niña, agobiada por haber pecado y recelosa de Dios y de su virtud del perdón; asimismo, en «Muerte de una joven», se manifiesta el desgarro de una madre por la pérdida de un ser querido y la falta de esperanza en la vida eterna, consecuencia de la obnubilación tras haberse dejado dominar por el dolor.Igualmente, la actitud de Dios se evidencia en ambos cuentos por medio de sus actos: en el primero, se demuestra cómo Dios escucha y cuida de todos, además del hecho de que, para Él, la persona vale por encima de todo, ya que perdona a la niña sus pecados y la sana de su enfermedad. Del mismo modo, en el segundo cuento, Dios explica a través del ángel la necesidad de tener esperanza en la vida eterna, pues se lleva a cada alma en el momento en el que la encuentra más madura y la bendice con la vida eterna, libre de los castigos y sufrimientos propios del mundo terrenal. Por tanto, en el cuento se concibe la muerte como un acto de misericordia de Dios, pues «después de morir, recibe en su alma inmortal su retribución eterna». (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, art. 12: 1021). Por último, cabe destacar que, mediante el retrato de dichas actitudes, Stifter describe el mundo ideal en el que muestra cuáles serían las actitudes esperadas ante estas situaciones y lo contrasta con su vida personal llena de frustración ya que, como se señaló anteriormente él, a diferencia de los cuentos, no tuvo un final feliz. metadata Quijano-Peña, Paula mail (2023) Adalbert STIFTER, «La misericordia» y «Muerte de una joven». Hermēneus. Revista de traducción e interpretación (24). pp. 633-641. ISSN 2530-609X

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Los cuentos se ambientan en un trasfondo cristiano con el fin de provocar cierta catarsis a través de los contextos que plantean: por un lado, una pequeña niña enferma que se halla postrada en la cama y, por otro, una madre que llora la pérdida prematura de su joven hija.A través de estos cuentos, Stifter retrata diferentes actitudes propias de la naturaleza humana ante las dificultades terrenales. En «La Misericordia» se puede identificar la reacción infantil de una niña, agobiada por haber pecado y recelosa de Dios y de su virtud del perdón; asimismo, en «Muerte de una joven», se manifiesta el desgarro de una madre por la pérdida de un ser querido y la falta de esperanza en la vida eterna, consecuencia de la obnubilación tras haberse dejado dominar por el dolor.Igualmente, la actitud de Dios se evidencia en ambos cuentos por medio de sus actos: en el primero, se demuestra cómo Dios escucha y cuida de todos, además del hecho de que, para Él, la persona vale por encima de todo, ya que perdona a la niña sus pecados y la sana de su enfermedad. Del mismo modo, en el segundo cuento, Dios explica a través del ángel la necesidad de tener esperanza en la vida eterna, pues se lleva a cada alma en el momento en el que la encuentra más madura y la bendice con la vida eterna, libre de los castigos y sufrimientos propios del mundo terrenal. Por tanto, en el cuento se concibe la muerte como un acto de misericordia de Dios, pues «después de morir, recibe en su alma inmortal su retribución eterna». (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, art. 12: 1021). Por último, cabe destacar que, mediante el retrato de dichas actitudes, Stifter describe el mundo ideal en el que muestra cuáles serían las actitudes esperadas ante estas situaciones y lo contrasta con su vida personal llena de frustración ya que, como se señaló anteriormente él, a diferencia de los cuentos, no tuvo un final feliz.

Tipo de Documento: Artículo
Clasificación temática: Materias > Ciencias Sociales
Divisiones: Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Depositado: 25 Ene 2023 23:30
Ultima Modificación: 21 Oct 2024 23:30

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<a class="ep_document_link" href="/10290/1/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/10290/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Influence of E-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria

The main aim of this study was to analyse the influence of e-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria. The current landscape of basketball coach training shows an increasing demand for innovative training models and emerging pedagogies, including e-learning-based methodologies. The study sample consisted of fifty students from these courses, all above 16 years of age (36 males, 14 females). Among them, 16% resided outside the autonomous community of Cantabria, 10% resided more than 50 km from the city of Santander, 36% between 10 and 50 km, 14% less than 10 km, and 24% resided within Santander city. Data were collected through a Google Forms survey distributed by the Cantabrian Basketball Federation to training course students. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The survey, consisting of 56 questions, was validated by two sports and health doctors and two senior basketball coaches. The collected data were processed and analysed using Microsoft® Excel version 16.74, and the results were expressed in percentages. The analysis revealed that 24.60% of the students trained through the e-learning methodology considered themselves fully qualified as basketball coaches, contrasting with 10.98% of those trained via traditional face-to-face methodology. The results of the study provide insights into important characteristics that can be adjusted and improved within the investigated educational process. Moreover, the study concludes that e-learning training effectively qualifies basketball coaches in Cantabria.

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Josep Alemany Iturriaga mail, Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail, Javier Jorge mail , Kamil Giglio mail ,

Alemany Iturriaga



Do ICT firms manage R&D differently? Firm-level and macroeconomic effects on corporate R&D investment: Empirical evidence from a multi-countries context

Technological firms invest in R&D looking for innovative solutions but assuming high costs and great (technological) uncertainty regarding final results and returns. Additionally, they face other problems related to R&D management. This empirical study tries to determine which of the factors favour or constrain the decision of these firms to engage in R&D. The analysis uses financial data of 14,619 ICT listed companies of 22 countries from 2003 to 2018. Additionally, macroeconomic data specific for the countries and the sector were used. For the analysis of dynamic panel data, a System-GMM method is used. Among the findings, we highlight that cash flow, contrary to the known theoretical models and empirical evidences, negatively impacts on R&D investment. Debt is neither the right source for R&D funding, as the effect is also negative. This suggests that ICT companies are forced to manage their R&D activities differently, relying more on other funding sources, taking advantage of growth opportunities and benefiting from a favourable macroeconomic environment in terms of growth and increased business sector spending on R&D. These results are similar in both sub-sectors and in all countries, both bank- and market based. The exception is firms with few growth opportunities and little debt.

Artículos y libros

Inna Alexeeva-Alexeev mail, Cristina Mazas Pérez-Oleag mail,




Assessment Of Lower Limb Asymmetries In Soccer Players According To The Stage Of The Season

PURPOSE: Muscle asymmetries can be associated with increased risk of injury. Using countermovement jump (CMJ) to analyze muscular asymmetries in the lower limbs of soccer players, according to the stage of the season.

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Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail, Jeffrey Mjaanes mail , Angel Olider Rojas Vistorte mail , Julio Calleja-González mail ,


<a class="ep_document_link" href="/14584/1/s41598-024-73664-6.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/14584/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/s41598-024-73664-6.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Performance of the 4C and SEIMC scoring systems in predicting mortality from onset to current COVID-19 pandemic in emergency departments

The evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with variations in clinical presentation and severity. Similarly, prediction scores may suffer changes in their diagnostic accuracy. The aim of this study was to test the 30-day mortality predictive validity of the 4C and SEIMC scores during the sixth wave of the pandemic and to compare them with those of validation studies. This was a longitudinal retrospective observational study. COVID-19 patients who were admitted to the Emergency Department of a Spanish hospital from December 15, 2021, to January 31, 2022, were selected. A side-by-side comparison with the pivotal validation studies was subsequently performed. The main measures were 30-day mortality and the 4C and SEIMC scores. A total of 27,614 patients were considered in the study, including 22,361 from the 4C, 4,627 from the SEIMC and 626 from our hospital. The 30-day mortality rate was significantly lower than that reported in the validation studies. The AUCs were 0.931 (95% CI: 0.90–0.95) for 4C and 0.903 (95% CI: 086–0.93) for SEIMC, which were significantly greater than those obtained in the first wave. Despite the changes that have occurred during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, with a reduction in lethality, scorecard systems are currently still useful tools for detecting patients with poor disease risk, with better prognostic capacity.

Artículos y libros

Pedro Ángel de Santos Castro mail , Carlos del Pozo Vegas mail , Leyre Teresa Pinilla Arribas mail , Daniel Zalama Sánchez mail , Ancor Sanz-García mail , Tony Giancarlo Vásquez del Águila mail , Pablo González Izquierdo mail , Sara de Santos Sánchez mail , Cristina Mazas Pérez-Oleaga mail, Irma Dominguez Azpíroz mail, Iñaki Elío Pascual mail, Francisco Martín-Rodríguez mail ,

de Santos Castro

<a href="/14206/1/mnm_2024_17-3_mnm-17-3-mnm240038_mnm-17-mnm240038.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/14206/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/mnm_2024_17-3_mnm-17-3-mnm240038_mnm-17-mnm240038.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Exploring body composition and somatotype profiles among youth professional soccer players

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the body composition and somatotype of professional soccer players, investigating variations across categories and playing positions. METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study was conducted with 51 male professional soccer players in the U-19 and U-20 categories. Data about sex, age, height, and weight were collected between March and May 2023. Body composition analysis utilized the ISAK protocol for the restricted profile, while somatotype categorization employed the Heath and Carter formula. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics V.26, which involved the application of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests to discern differences in body composition variables and proportionality based on categories and playing positions. The Dunn test further identified specific positions exhibiting significant differences. RESULTS: The study encompassed 51 players, highlighting meaningful differences in body composition. The average body mass in kg was 75.8 (±6.9) for U-20 players and 70.5 (±6.1) for U-19 players. The somatotype values were 2.6-4.6-2.3 for U-20 players and 2.5-4.3-2.8 for U-19 players, with a predominance of muscle mass in all categories, characterizing them as balanced mesomorphs. CONCLUSIONS: Body composition and somatotype findings underscore distinctions in body mass across categories and playing positions, with notably higher body mass and muscle mass predominance in elevated categories. However, the prevailing skeletal muscle development establishes a significant semblance with the recognized somatotype standard for soccer.

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Raynier Zambrano-Villacres mail , Evelyn Frias-Toral mail , Emily Maldonado-Ponce mail , Carlos Poveda-Loor mail , Paola Leal mail , Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail, Alice Leonardi mail , Bruno Trovato mail , Federico Roggio mail , Alessandro Castorina mail , Xu Wenxin mail , Giuseppe Musumeci mail ,
