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61. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Olive milling produces olive oil and different by-products, all of them very rich in different bioactive compounds like the phenolic alcohol hydroxytyrosol. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of an olive fruit extract 20% rich in hydroxytyrosol on the molecular mechanisms associated with Alzheimer disease features like Aβ- and tau- induced toxicity, as well as on oxidative stress in Caenorhabditis elegans. Moreover, characterization of the extracts, regarding the profile and content of phenolics, as well as total antioxidant ability, was investigated. The study of lethality, growth, pharyngeal pumping, and longevity in vivo demonstrated the lack of toxicity of the extract. One hundred μg/mL of extract treatment revealed prevention of oxidative stress and a delay in Aβ-induced paralysis related with a lower presence of Aβ aggregates. Indeed, the extract showed the ability to avoid a certain degree of proteotoxicity associated with aggregation of the tau protein. According to RNAi tests, SKN-1/NRF2 transcription factor and the overexpression of HSP-16.2 were mechanistically associated in the observed effects metadata Romero-Márquez, Jose M.; Navarro-Hortal, María D.; Jiménez-Trigo, Victoria; Muñoz-Ollero, Pedro; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Esteban-Muñoz, Adelaida; Giampieri, Francesca; Delgado Noya, Irene; Bullón, Pedro; Vera-Ramírez, Laura; Battino, Maurizio; Sánchez-González, Cristina y Quiles, José L. mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, irene.delgado@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es (2022) An Olive-Derived Extract 20% Rich in Hydroxytyrosol Prevents β-Amyloid Aggregation and Oxidative Stress, Two Features of Alzheimer Disease, via SKN-1/NRF2 and HSP-16.2 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Antioxidants, 11 (4). p. 629. ISSN 2076-3921
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62. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Tree nuts, including Brazil nuts, have been hypothesized to impact cardiovascular health through the modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation. Nonetheless, a quantitative analysis of these effects has not been performed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically revise and quantify the effect of Brazil nut intervention on selenium status, blood lipids, and biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation using a meta-analytical approach. To meet the goals of this study, a systematic search of PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases of published randomised clinical trials reporting on dietary interventions with Brazil nuts and their effects on selenium status, blood lipids, and markers of oxidative stress and inflammation was performed. Eight articles were included for systematic review and meta-analysis. Based on the conducted analysis, a significant positive effect of Brazil nuts on selenium blood concentration (SMD = 6.93, 95% CI: 3.99; 9.87) was found. Additionally, a positive effect of Brazil nut intervention on glutathione peroxidase activity (SMD = 0.53, 95% CI: 0.07; 0.99) was observed. However, no significant results were found when considering blood lipid levels, including results for total cholesterol (SMD = −0.22, 95% CI: −0.57; 0.14), HDL cholesterol (SMD = −0.04, 95% CI: −0.28; 0.19) and LDL cholesterol (SMD = −0.15; 95% CI: −0.43; 0.13). In conclusion, the findings from this study suggest that Brazil nut consumption improves selenium status and exerts antioxidant effects, which could be considered a potential pathway for the prevention of metabolic disorders related to altered blood lipid profiles. However, further studies are needed to elucidate the effect of Brazil nuts toward blood lipid profile, also preferably controlling for other biomarkers. metadata Godos, Justyna; Giampieri, Francesca; Micek, Agnieszka; Battino, Maurizio; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Quiles, José L.; Paladino, Nadia; Falzone, Luca y Grosso, Giuseppe mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2022) Effect of Brazil Nuts on Selenium Status, Blood Lipids, and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. Antioxidants, 11 (2). p. 403. ISSN 2076-3921
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63. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés Background: The aim of this study was to relate the adherence to nut consumption (30 g) three or more days per week to the prevalence of abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in an elderly population from the north of Spain. Methods: The study consists of an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational study conducted in 556 non-institutionalised individuals between 65 and 79 years of age. To define the consumption recommendation of nuts the indication of the questionnaire MEDAS-14 was followed. The diagnosis of MetS was conducted using the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. Results: In 264 subjects aged 71.9 (SD: ±4.2) years old, 39% of whom were men, the adherence to nut consumption recommendations was 40.2%. Of these individuals, 79.5% had abdominal obesity. The prevalence of MetS was 40.2%, being 47.6% in men and 35.4% in women (p < 0.05). A nut consumption lower than recommended was associated with a 19% higher prevalence of abdominal obesity (Prevalence Ratio: 1.19; 95% CI: 1.03−1.37; p < 0.05) and a 61% higher prevalence of MetS (Prevalence Ratio: 1.61; 95% CI: 1.16−2.25; p = 0.005) compared to a consumption of ≥3 servings per week. Conclusion: An inverse relationship was established between nut consumption and the prevalence of abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome. metadata Cubas-Basterrechea, Gloria; Elío Pascual, Iñaki; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Aparicio Obregón, Silvia; González-Antón, Carolina Teresa y Muñoz-Cacho, Pedro mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, inaki.elio@uneatlantico.es, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, silvia.aparicio@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2022) The Regular Consumption of Nuts Is Associated with a Lower Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Older People from the North of Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3). p. 1256. ISSN 1660-4601
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64. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Beside honey, honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are able to produce many byproducts, including bee pollen, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, and beeswax. Even if the medicinal properties of these byproducts have been recognized for thousands of years by the ancient civilizations, in the modern era, they have a limited use, essentially as nutritional supplements or health products. However, these natural products are excellent sources of bioactive compounds, macro- and micronutrients, that, in a synergistic way, confer multiple biological activities to these byproducts, such as, for example, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. This work aims to update the chemical and phytochemical composition of bee pollen, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, and beeswax and to summarize the main effects exerted by these byproducts on human health, from the anticancer and immune-modulatory activities to the antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, hypotensive, and anti-allergic properties. metadata Giampieri, Francesca; Quiles, José L.; Cianciosi, Danila; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Yuliett; Orantes-Bermejo, Francisco Josè; Alvarez-Suarez, José Miguel y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2022) Bee Products: An Emblematic Example of Underutilized Sources of Bioactive Compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. ISSN 0021-8561
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65. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Excess alcohol consumption is known to be detrimental to human health. However, the role of light-to-moderate alcohol intake is under investigation for potential certain health benefits—mostly related to the cardiovascular system. Nevertheless, there is no univocal agreement on this matter, and research is still ongoing to clarify whether there might be other potential outcomes affected by alcohol intake. In this regard, there is evidence that excess alcohol intake may negatively influence the risk of osteoporotic fractures. However, there is no comprehensive evidence of literature assessing the role of alcohol consumption in bone mineral density (BMD) and the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Thus, the aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the dose–response relationship between alcohol intake and BMD and risk of osteoporotic fractures. The Embase and MEDLINE electronic databases were searched from their inception to December 2021 for articles providing a quantifiable measurement of alcohol consumption for at least three categories and (1) a measurement of BMD (and dispersion as continuous variables) in some area of the body or (2) risk of osteoporotic fracture provided as relative risk (RR) or hazard ratio (HR), with a 95% confidence interval (CI) as the measure of the association of each category with alcohol intake. A total of 11 studies including 46,916 individuals with BMD assessment and 8 studies including 240,871 individuals with risk of fracture analysis were included. Compared to non-drinkers, consumption of up to two standard drinks of alcohol per day was correlated with higher lumbar and femur neck BMD values, while up to one standard drink of alcohol was correlated with higher hip BMD compared to no alcohol consumption. Higher risk of hip fractures was found starting from three standard drinks of alcohol per day (RR = 1.33, 95% CI: 1.04; 1.69 for three alcoholic drinks/d, and RR = 1.59, 95% CI: 1.23; 2.05 for four alcoholic drinks/d) compared to no alcohol consumption, with no evidence of heterogeneity. Concerning the risk of any osteoporotic fractures, the risk steadily increased with higher intake of alcohol, although never reaching statistical significance. In conclusion, there is consistent evidence that increased alcohol consumption is associated with higher risk of osteoporotic hip fracture; however, the role of alcohol at lower doses is uncertain, as BMD was even higher in light drinkers compared to abstainers. metadata Godos, Justyna; Giampieri, Francesca; Chisari, Emanuele; Micek, Agnieszka; Paladino, Nadia; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Quiles, José L.; Battino, Maurizio; La Vignera, Sandro; Musumeci, Giuseppe y Grosso, Giuseppe mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2022) Alcohol Consumption, Bone Mineral Density, and Risk of Osteoporotic Fractures: A Dose–Response Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3). p. 1515. ISSN 1660-4601
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66. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés The aim of this review was to explore existing evidence from studies conducted on humans and summarize the mechanisms of action of dietary polyphenols on vascular health, blood pressure and hypertension. There is evidence that some polyphenol-rich foods, including berry fruits rich in anthocyanins, cocoa and green tea rich in flavan-3-ols, almonds and pistachios rich in hydroxycinnamic acids, and soy products rich in isoflavones, are able to improve blood pressure levels. A variety of mechanisms can elucidate the observed effects. Some limitations of the evidence, including variability of polyphenol content in plant-derived foods and human absorption, difficulty disentangling the effects of polyphenols from other dietary compounds, and discrepancy of doses between animal and human studies should be taken into account. While no single food counteracts hypertension, adopting a plant-based dietary pattern including a variety of polyphenol-rich foods is an advisable practice to improve blood pressure metadata Grosso, Giuseppe; Godos, Justyna; Currenti, Walter; Micek, Agnieszka; Falzone, Luca; Libra, Massimo; Giampieri, Francesca; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Quiles, José L.; Battino, Maurizio; La Vignera, Sandro y Galvano, Fabio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2022) The Effect of Dietary Polyphenols on Vascular Health and Hypertension: Current Evidence and Mechanisms of Action. Nutrients, 14 (3). p. 545. ISSN 2072-6643
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67. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time the anti-inflammatory effects of chestnut (Castanea sativa) and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus occidentalis) honeys collected in Italy on murine RAW 264.7 macrophages stressed with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Pre-treatment with the two honeys markedly decreased apoptosis and stimulated wound healing in macrophages stressed with LPS, where they also reduced the intracellular levels of ROS and nitrite. Additionally, treatment with LPS decreased the levels of glutathione and suppressed the antioxidant enzyme activities, which were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the presence of the two honeys, through the modulation of Nrf2 expression; in LPS-stressed macrophages, Chestnut or Eucalyptus honeys protected against inflammation by regulating the main inflammatory biomarkers, including TNF-α, IL-10 and iNOS, through the decrease of NF-кB expression. Finally, they improved mitochondrial respiration and the main related parameters. metadata Cianciosi, Danila; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Ansary, Johura; Quinzi, Denise; Amici, Adolfo; Navarro-Hortal, María D.; Esteban-Muñoz, Adelaida; Quiles, José Luis; Battino, Maurizio y Giampieri, Francesca mail SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Anti-inflammatory activities of Italian Chestnut and Eucalyptus honeys on murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Journal of Functional Foods, 87. p. 104752. ISSN 17564646 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
68. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Diabetes and periodontitis are two of the most prevalent diseases worldwide that negatively impact the quality of life of the individual suffering from them. They are part of the chronic inflammatory disease group or, as recently mentioned, non-communicable diseases, with inflammation being the meeting point among them. Inflammation hitherto includes vascular and tissue changes, but new technologies provide data at the intracellular level that could explain how the cells respond to the aggression more clearly. This review aims to emphasize the molecular pathophysiological mechanisms in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis, which are marked by different impaired central regulators including mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired immune system and autophagy pathways, oxidative stress, and the crosstalk between adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). All of them are the shared background behind both diseases that could explain its relationship. These should be taken in consideration if we would like to improve the treatment outcomes. Currently, the main treatment strategies in diabetes try to reduce glycemia index as the most important aspect, and in periodontitis try to reduce the presence of oral bacteria. We propose to add to the therapeutic guidelines the handling of all the intracellular disorders to try to obtain better treatment success. metadata Portes, Juliana; Bullón, Beatriz; Quiles, José L.; Battino, Maurizio y Bullón, Pedro mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis Share Intracellular Disorders as the Main Meeting Point. Cells, 10 (9). p. 2411. ISSN 2073-4409 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
69. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Producción Científica
Cerrado Inglés Fasting, caloric restriction and foods or compounds mimicking the biological effects of caloric restriction, known as caloric restriction mimetics, have been associated with a lower risk of age-related diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer and cognitive decline, and a longer lifespan. Reduced calorie intake has been shown to stimulate cancer immunosurveillance, reducing the migration of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells towards the tumor bulk. Autophagy stimulation via reduction of lysine acetylation, increased sensitivity to chemo- and immunotherapy, along with a reduction of insulin-like growth factor 1 and reactive oxygen species have been described as some of the major effects triggered by caloric restriction. Fasting and caloric restriction have also been shown to beneficially influence gut microbiota composition, modify host metabolism, reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lower diastolic blood pressure and elevate morning cortisol level, with beneficial modulatory effects on cardiopulmonary fitness, body fat and weight, fatigue and weakness, and general quality of life. Moreover, caloric restriction may reduce the carcinogenic and metastatic potential of cancer stem cells, which are generally considered responsible of tumor formation and relapse. Here, we reviewed in vitro and in vivo studies describing the effects of fasting, caloric restriction and some caloric restriction mimetics on immunosurveillance, gut microbiota, metabolism, and cancer stem cell growth, highlighting the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying these effects. Additionally, studies on caloric restriction interventions in cancer patients or cancer risk subjects are discussed. Considering the promising effects associated with caloric restriction and caloric restriction mimetics, we think that controlled-randomized large clinical trials are warranted to evaluate the inclusion of these non-pharmacological approaches in clinical practice. metadata Pistollato, Francesca; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Calderón Iglesias, Rubén; Ruiz Salces, Roberto; Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria; Dominguez Azpíroz, Irma; Cianciosi, Danila; Quiles, José L.; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.pistollato@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, ruben.calderon@uneatlantico.es, roberto.ruiz@uneatlantico.es, maria.elexpuru@uneatlantico.es, irma.dominguez@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Effects of caloric restriction on immunosurveillance, microbiota and cancer cell phenotype: Possible implications for cancer treatment. Seminars in Cancer Biology. pp. 45-57. ISSN 1044-579X ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
70. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés Presently, biopreservation through protective bacterial cultures and their antimicrobial products or using antibacterial compounds derived from plants are proposed as feasible strategies to maintain the long shelf-life of products. Another emerging category of food biopreservatives are bacteriophages or their antibacterial enzymes called “phage lysins” or “enzybiotics”, which can be used directly as antibacterial agents due to their ability to act on the membranes of bacteria and destroy them. Bacteriophages are an alternative to antimicrobials in the fight against bacteria, mainly because they have a practically unique host range that gives them great specificity. In addition to their potential ability to specifically control strains of pathogenic bacteria, their use does not generate a negative environmental impact as in the case of antibiotics. Both phages and their enzymes can favor a reduction in antibiotic use, which is desirable given the alarming increase in resistance to antibiotics used not only in human medicine but also in veterinary medicine, agriculture, and in general all processes of manufacturing, preservation, and distribution of food. We present here an overview of the scientific background of phages and enzybiotics in the food industry, as well as food applications of these biopreservatives. metadata Ramos Vivas, Jose; Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria; Sámano Celorio, María Luisa; Pascual Barrera, Alina Eugenia; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail jose.ramos@uneatlantico.es, maria.elexpuru@uneatlantico.es, marialuisa.samano@uneatlantico.es, alina.pascual@unini.edu.mx, tamara.forbes@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Phages and Enzybiotics in Food Biopreservation. Molecules, 26 (17). p. 5138. ISSN 1420-3049 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
71. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Cerrado Inglés Evidence demonstrates the importance of lipid metabolism and signaling in cancer cell biology. De novo lipogenesis is an important source of lipids for cancer cells, but exogenous lipid uptake remains essential for many cancer cells. Dietary lipids can modify lipids present in tumor microenvironment affecting cancer cell metabolism. Clinical trials have shown that diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) can negatively affect tumor growth. However, certain n-6 PUFAs can also contribute to cancer progression. Identifying the molecular mechanisms through which lipids affect cancer progression will provide an opportunity for focused dietary interventions that could translate into the development of personalized diets for cancer control. However, the effective mechanisms of action of PUFAs have not been fully clarified yet. Mitochondria controls ATP generation, redox homeostasis, metabolic signaling, apoptotic pathways and many aspects of autophagy, and it has been recognized to play a key role in cancer. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current evidence linking dietary lipids effects on mitochondrial aspects with consequences for cancer progression and the molecular mechanisms that underlie this association. metadata Varela-López, Alfonso; Vera-Ramírez, Laura; Giampieri, Francesca; Navarro-Hortal, María D.; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Battino, Maurizio y Quiles, José L. mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es (2021) The central role of mitochondria in the relationship between dietary lipids and cancer progression. Seminars in Cancer Biology. ISSN 1044579X ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
72. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés Age-related bone disorders such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis are a major public health problem due to the functional disability for millions of people worldwide. Furthermore, fractures are associated with a higher degree of morbidity and mortality in the long term, which generates greater financial and health costs. As the world population becomes older, the incidence of this type of disease increases and this effect seems notably greater in those countries that present a more westernized lifestyle. Thus, increased efforts are directed toward reducing risks that need to focus not only on the prevention of bone diseases, but also on the treatment of persons already afflicted. Evidence is accumulating that dietary lipids play an important role in bone health which results relevant to develop effective interventions for prevent bone diseases or alterations, especially in the elderly segment of the population. This review focuses on evidence about the effects of dietary lipids on bone health and describes possible mechanisms to explain how lipids act on bone metabolism during aging. Little work, however, has been accomplished in humans, so this is a challenge for future research. metadata Romero-Márquez, Jose M.; Varela-López, Alfonso; Navarro-Hortal, María D.; Badillo-Carrasco, Alberto; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Giampieri, Francesca; Dominguez Azpíroz, Irma; Madrigal-Hoyos, Lorena; Battino, Maurizio y Quiles, José L. mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, irma.dominguez@uneatlantico.es, lorena.madrigal@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es (2021) Molecular Interactions between Dietary Lipids and Bone Tissue during Aging. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (12). p. 6473. ISSN 1422-0067
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73. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés In recent times, scientific attention has been paid to different foods and their bioactive components for the ability to inhibit the onset and progress of different types of cancer. Nigella sativa extract, powder and seed oil and its main components, thymoquinone and α-hederin, have showed potent anticancer and chemosensitizing effects against various types of cancer, such as liver, colon, breast, renal, cervical, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and skin tumors, through the modulation of various molecular signaling pathways. Herein, the purpose of this review was to highlight the anticancer activity of Nigella sativa and it constitutes, focusing on different in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies and projects, in order to underline their antiproliferative, proapoptotic, cytotoxic and antimetastatic effects. Particular attention has been also given to the synergistic effect of Nigella sativa and it constitutes with chemotherapeutic drugs, and to the synthesized analogs of thymoquinone that seem to enhance the chemo-sensitizing potential. This review could be a useful step towards new research on N. sativa and cancer, to include this plant in the dietary treatments in support to conventional therapies, for the best achievement of therapeutic goals. metadata Ansary, Johura; Giampieri, Francesca; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Regolo, Lucia; Quinzi, Denise; Gracia Villar, Santos; Garcia Villena, Eduardo; Tutusaus, Kilian; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Battino, Maurizio y Cianciosi, Danila mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, santos.gracia@uneatlantico.es, eduardo.garcia@uneatlantico.es, kilian.tutusaus@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Nutritional Value and Preventive Role of Nigella sativa L. and Its Main Component Thymoquinone in Cancer: An Evidenced-Based Review of Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Molecules, 26 (8). p. 2108. ISSN 1420-3049
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74. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a rare tumor subpopulation with high differentiation, proliferative and tumorigenic potential compared to the remaining tumor population. CSCs were first discovered by Bonnet and Dick in 1997 in acute myeloid leukemia. The identification and isolation of these cells in this pioneering study were carried out through the flow cytometry, exploiting the presence of specific cell surface molecular markers (CD34+/CD38−). In the following years, different strategies and projects have been developed for the study of CSCs, which are basically divided into surface markers assays and functional assays; some of these techniques also allow working with a cellular model that better mimics the tumor architecture. The purpose of this mini review is to summarize and briefly describe all the current methods used for the identification, isolation and enrichment of CSCs, describing, where possible, the molecular basis, the advantages and disadvantages of each technique with a particular focus on those that offer a three-dimensional culture. metadata Cianciosi, Danila; Ansary, Johura; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Regolo, Lucia; Quinzi, Denise; Gracia Villar, Santos; Garcia Villena, Eduardo; Tutusaus Pifarre, Kilian; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Battino, Maurizio y Giampieri, Francesca mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, santos.gracia@uneatlantico.es, eduardo.garcia@uneatlantico.es, kilian.tutusaus@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) The Molecular Basis of Different Approaches for the Study of Cancer Stem Cells and the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Three-Dimensional Culture. Molecules, 26 (9). p. 2615. ISSN 1420-3049
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75. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina
Materias > Alimentación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Modern high-throughput ‘omics’ science tools (including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and microbiomics) are currently being applied to nutritional sciences to unravel the fundamental processes of health effects ascribed to particular nutrients in humans and to contribute to more precise nutritional advice. Diet and food components are key environmental factors that interact with the genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome and the microbiota, and this life-long interplay defines health and diseases state of the individual. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease featured by a systemic immune-inflammatory response, in genetically susceptible individuals exposed to environmental triggers, including diet. In recent years increasing evidences suggested that nutritional factors and gut microbiome have a central role in RA risk and progression. The aim of this review is to summarize the main and most recent applications of ‘omics’ technologies in human nutrition and in RA research, examining the possible influences of some nutrients and nutritional patterns on RA pathogenesis, following a nutrigenomics approach. The opportunities and challenges of novel ‘omics technologies’ in the exploration of new avenues in RA and nutritional research to prevent and manage RA will be also discussed. metadata Cassotta, Manuela; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Cianciosi, Danila; Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Dominguez Azpíroz, Irma; Bullon, Beatriz; Regolo, Lucia; Alvarez-Suarez, Josè Miguel; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail manucassotta@gmail.com, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maria.elexpuru@uneatlantico.es, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, irma.dominguez@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2021) Nutrition and Rheumatoid Arthritis in the ‘Omics’ Era. Nutrients, 13 (3). p. 763. ISSN 2072-6643
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76. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina
Materias > Alimentación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Cerrado Inglés Inflammation is a key mechanism of the immune system that can be elicited by several factors, among them several chemical, physical and biological agents. Once stimulated, the inflammatory response activates a series of signaling pathways and a number of immune cells which promote, in a very coordinated manner, the neutralization of the infectious agent. However, if uncontrolled, the inflammatory status may become chronic leading, potentially, to tissue damage and disease onset. Several risk factors are associated with the development of chronic inflammation and, among these factors, diet plays an essential role. In this chapter the effects of some dietary bioactive compounds, including micronutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, nucleotides and polyphenols, on the immunoinflammatory responses in different cellular, animal and human studies have been summarized. metadata Giampieri, Francesca; Cianciosi, Danila; Ansary, Johura; Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y. y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maria.elexpuru@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Immunoinflammatory effects of dietary bioactive compounds. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 95. pp. 295-336. ISSN 10434526 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
77. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés The Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the Cathepsin C (CTSC) gene, characterized by periodontitis and palmoplantar hyperkeratosis. The main inflammatory deficiencies include oxidative stress and autophagic dysfunction. Mitochondria are the main source of reactive oxygen species; their impaired function is related to skin diseases and periodontitis. The mitochondrial function has been evaluated in PLS and mitochondria have been targeted as a possible treatment for PLS. We show for the first time an important mitochondrial dysfunction associated with increased oxidative damage of mtDNA, reduced CoQ10 and mitochondrial mass and aberrant morphologies of the mitochondria in PLS patients. Mitochondrial dysfunction, determined by oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in PLS fibroblasts, was treated with CoQ10 supplementation, which determined an improvement in OCR and a remission of skin damage in a patient receiving a topical administration of a cream enriched with CoQ10 0.1%. We provide the first evidence of the role of mitochondrial dysfunction and CoQ10 deficiency in the pathophysiology of PLS and a future therapeutic option for PLS. metadata Castejón-Vega, Beatriz; Battino, Maurizio; Quiles, José L.; Bullon, Beatriz; Cordero, Mario D. y Bullón, Pedro mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Potential Role of the Mitochondria for the Dermatological Treatment of Papillon-Lefèvre. Antioxidants, 10 (1). p. 95. ISSN 2076-3921
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78. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés The application of metallic nanoparticles (materials with size at least in one dimension ranging from 1 to 100 nm) as a new therapeutic tool will improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The mitochondria could be a therapeutic target to treat pathologies whose origin lies in mitochondrial dysfunctions or whose progression is dependent on mitochondrial function. We aimed to study the subcellular distribution of 2-4 nm iron nanoparticles and its effect on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), mitochondrial function, and autophagy in colorectal cell lines (HT-29). Results showed that when cells were exposed to ultra-small iron nanoparticles, their subcellular fate was mainly mitochondria, affecting its respiratory and glycolytic parameters, inducing the migration of the cellular state towards quiescence, and promoting and triggering the autophagic process. These effects support the potential use of nanoparticles as therapeutic agents using mitochondria as a target for cancer and other treatments for mitochondria-dependent pathologies. metadata Rivas-García, Lorenzo; Quiles, José L.; Varela-López, Alfonso; Giampieri, Francesca; Battino, Maurizio; Bettmer, Jörg; Montes-Bayón, María; Llopis, Juan y Sánchez-González, Cristina mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Ultra-Small Iron Nanoparticles Target Mitochondria Inducing Autophagy, Acting on Mitochondrial DNA and Reducing Respiration. Pharmaceutics, 13 (1). p. 90. ISSN 1999-4923
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79. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Cerrado Inglés Edible flowers are being used as a new ingredient in modern gastronomy. Recently, these products have also gained interest as an important source of phenolic compounds with potential for biomedical applications. The present work studied a methanolic extract of Rosa x hybrida in which 35 individual phenolic compounds were identified. The extract has been evaluated for its antiproliferative properties in ovarian carcinoma cells. Results showed that the antiproliferative effect was associated with the induction of autophagy and apoptosis with the concomitant ROS increase probably related to mitochondria dysfunction. These antiproliferative effects might be associated with some components of the extract such as quercetin. The extract did not induce damage in healthy cells and that it was able to improve the wound healing activity. The present study also evaluated the properties of the mentioned extract in vivo in C. elegans. Tests demonstrated a lack of toxicity in the worm model. Promising results have been obtained in transgenic strains of C. elegans that produce human beta amyloid peptide, suggesting the possible utility of the extract from the point of view of Alzheimer disease. Altogether, results suggest that Rosa x hybrida extracts could be a new tool for the development of functional foods. metadata Rivas-García, Lorenzo; Quiles, José L.; Roma-Rodrigues, Catarina; Raposo, Luis R.; Navarro-Hortal, María D.; Romero-Márquez, Jose M.; Esteban-Muñoz, Adelaida; Varela-López, Alfonso; García, Laura Carrera; Cianciosi, Danila; Forbes Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Battino, Maurizio; Llopis, Juan; Fernandes, Alexandra R.; Baptista, Pedro V. y Sánchez-González, Cristina mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.quiles@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2021) Rosa x hybrida extracts with dual actions: Antiproliferative effects against tumour cells and inhibitor of Alzheimer disease. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 149. p. 112018. ISSN 0278-6915 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
80. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés The interaction between nutrition and human infectious diseases has always been recognized. With the emergence of molecular tools and post-genomics, high-resolution sequencing technologies, the gut microbiota has been emerging as a key moderator in the complex interplay between nutrients, human body, and infections. Much of the host–microbial and nutrition research is currently based on animals or simplistic in vitro models. Although traditional in vivo and in vitro models have helped to develop mechanistic hypotheses and assess the causality of the host–microbiota interactions, they often fail to faithfully recapitulate the complexity of the human nutrient–microbiome axis in gastrointestinal homeostasis and infections. Over the last decade, remarkable progress in tissue engineering, stem cell biology, microfluidics, sequencing technologies, and computing power has taken place, which has produced a new generation of human-focused, relevant, and predictive tools. These tools, which include patient-derived organoids, organs-on-a-chip, computational analyses, and models, together with multi-omics readouts, represent novel and exciting equipment to advance the research into microbiota, infectious diseases, and nutrition from a human-biology-based perspective. After considering some limitations of the conventional in vivo and in vitro approaches, in this review, we present the main novel available and emerging tools that are suitable for designing human-oriented research. metadata Cassotta, Manuela; Forbes-Hernández, Tamara Y.; Calderón Iglesias, Ruben; Ruiz, Roberto; Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail manucassotta@gmail.com, SIN ESPECIFICAR, ruben.calderon@uneatlantico.es, roberto.ruiz@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2020) Links between Nutrition, Infectious Diseases, and Microbiota: Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for Human-Focused Research. Nutrients, 12 (6). p. 1827. ISSN 2072-6643 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
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<a class="ep_document_link" href="/10290/1/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/10290/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Influence of E-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria

The main aim of this study was to analyse the influence of e-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria. The current landscape of basketball coach training shows an increasing demand for innovative training models and emerging pedagogies, including e-learning-based methodologies. The study sample consisted of fifty students from these courses, all above 16 years of age (36 males, 14 females). Among them, 16% resided outside the autonomous community of Cantabria, 10% resided more than 50 km from the city of Santander, 36% between 10 and 50 km, 14% less than 10 km, and 24% resided within Santander city. Data were collected through a Google Forms survey distributed by the Cantabrian Basketball Federation to training course students. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The survey, consisting of 56 questions, was validated by two sports and health doctors and two senior basketball coaches. The collected data were processed and analysed using Microsoft® Excel version 16.74, and the results were expressed in percentages. The analysis revealed that 24.60% of the students trained through the e-learning methodology considered themselves fully qualified as basketball coaches, contrasting with 10.98% of those trained via traditional face-to-face methodology. The results of the study provide insights into important characteristics that can be adjusted and improved within the investigated educational process. Moreover, the study concludes that e-learning training effectively qualifies basketball coaches in Cantabria.

Artículos y libros

Josep Alemany Iturriaga mail josep.alemany@uneatlantico.es, Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail alvaro.velarde@uneatlantico.es, Javier Jorge mail , Kamil Giglio mail ,

Alemany Iturriaga



Do ICT firms manage R&D differently? Firm-level and macroeconomic effects on corporate R&D investment: Empirical evidence from a multi-countries context

Technological firms invest in R&D looking for innovative solutions but assuming high costs and great (technological) uncertainty regarding final results and returns. Additionally, they face other problems related to R&D management. This empirical study tries to determine which of the factors favour or constrain the decision of these firms to engage in R&D. The analysis uses financial data of 14,619 ICT listed companies of 22 countries from 2003 to 2018. Additionally, macroeconomic data specific for the countries and the sector were used. For the analysis of dynamic panel data, a System-GMM method is used. Among the findings, we highlight that cash flow, contrary to the known theoretical models and empirical evidences, negatively impacts on R&D investment. Debt is neither the right source for R&D funding, as the effect is also negative. This suggests that ICT companies are forced to manage their R&D activities differently, relying more on other funding sources, taking advantage of growth opportunities and benefiting from a favourable macroeconomic environment in terms of growth and increased business sector spending on R&D. These results are similar in both sub-sectors and in all countries, both bank- and market based. The exception is firms with few growth opportunities and little debt.

Artículos y libros

Inna Alexeeva-Alexeev mail inna.alexeeva@uneatlantico.es, Cristina Mazas Pérez-Oleag mail cristina.mazas@uneatlantico.es,




The mediation effect of emotion dysregulation in the relationship between stress and aggression on the road

Introduction Aggressive behaviour on the road is still one of the most studied constructs within human factor due to its strong relationship with crash-related events. Objective The aim of the current research was to analyse the relationship among vital stress, emotion dysregulation, and aggressive behaviour in this specific context. Method A sample composed of 410 Spanish drivers (62.8% female, Mage = 36.12, SDage = 12.99) taken from the general population was tested. Results The results showed positive and significant bivariate correlations among almost all of the variables. The multiple mediation model showed a partial mediation effect of emotion dysregulation, with a significant effect on the whole model, and more specifically, on both the lack of control and life interference. Conclusion The relevance of developing clinical interventions to improve emotion regulation abilities in aggressive drivers is discussed.

Artículos y libros

David Herrero-Fernández mail david.herrero@uneatlantico.es, Pamela Parada-Fernández mail pamela.parada@uneatlantico.es, Irene Rodríguez-Arcos mail , Julién Brito Ballester mail julien.brito@uneatlantico.es, Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco mail carmen.rodriguez@uneatlantico.es,


<a href="/12706/1/remotesensing-16-02099.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/12706/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/remotesensing-16-02099.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Analysis of Pigment Migrations in Cave of Altamira’s Prehistoric Paintings

The conservation of Cultural Heritage in cave environments, especially those hosting cave art, requires comprehensive conservation strategies to mitigate degradation risks derived from climatic influences and human activities. This study, focused on the Polychrome Hall of the Cave of Altamira, highlights the importance of integrating remote sensing methodologies to carry out effective conservation actions. By coupling a georeferenced Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) with a 1.6 GHz central-frequency antenna along with photogrammetry, we conducted non-invasive and high-resolution 3D studies to map preferential moisture pathways from the surface of the ceiling to the first 50 cm internally of the limestone structure. In parallel, we monitored the dynamics of surface water on the Ceiling and its correlation with pigment and other substance migrations. By standardizing our methodology, we aim to increase knowledge about the dynamics of infiltration water, which will enhance our understanding of the deterioration processes affecting cave paintings related to infiltration water. This will enable us to improve conservation strategies, suggesting possible indirect measures to reverse active deterioration processes. Integrating remote sensing techniques with geospatial analysis will aid in the validation and calibration of collected data, allowing for stronger interpretations of subsurface structures and conditions. All of this puts us in a position to contribute to the development of effective conservation methodologies, reduce alteration risks, and promote sustainable development practices, thus emphasizing the importance of remote sensing in safeguarding Cultural Heritage.

Artículos y libros

Vicente Bayarri Cayón mail vicente.bayarri@uneatlantico.es, Alfredo Prada mail , Francisco García mail , Carmen De Las Heras mail , Pilar Fatás mail ,

Bayarri Cayón

<a class="ep_document_link" href="/12747/1/sensors-24-03754%20%281%29.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/12747/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/sensors-24-03754%20%281%29.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Ultra-Wide Band Radar Empowered Driver Drowsiness Detection with Convolutional Spatial Feature Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

Driving while drowsy poses significant risks, including reduced cognitive function and the potential for accidents, which can lead to severe consequences such as trauma, economic losses, injuries, or death. The use of artificial intelligence can enable effective detection of driver drowsiness, helping to prevent accidents and enhance driver performance. This research aims to address the crucial need for real-time and accurate drowsiness detection to mitigate the impact of fatigue-related accidents. Leveraging ultra-wideband radar data collected over five minutes, the dataset was segmented into one-minute chunks and transformed into grayscale images. Spatial features are retrieved from the images using a two-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network. Following that, these features were used to train and test multiple machine learning classifiers. The ensemble classifier RF-XGB-SVM, which combines Random Forest, XGBoost, and Support Vector Machine using a hard voting criterion, performed admirably with an accuracy of 96.6%. Additionally, the proposed approach was validated with a robust k-fold score of 97% and a standard deviation of 0.018, demonstrating significant results. The dataset is augmented using Generative Adversarial Networks, resulting in improved accuracies for all models. Among them, the RF-XGB-SVM model outperformed the rest with an accuracy score of 99.58%.

Artículos y libros

Hafeez Ur Rehman Siddiqui mail , Ambreen Akmal mail , Muhammad Iqbal mail , Adil Ali Saleem mail , Muhammad Amjad Raza mail , Kainat Zafar mail , Aqsa Zaib mail , Sandra Dudley mail , Jon Arambarri mail jon.arambarri@uneatlantico.es, Ángel Gabriel Kuc Castilla mail , Furqan Rustam mail ,
