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121. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR We describe the biological effects of a polyphenol-rich strawberry extract (PRSE), obtained from the “Alba” variety, on the highly aggressive and invasive basal-like breast cancer cell line A17. Dose-response and time-course experiments showed that PRSE is able to decrease the cellular viability of A17 cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. PRSE effect on cell survival was investigated in other tumor and normal cell lines of both mouse and human origin, demonstrating that PRSE is more active against breast cancer cells. Cytofluorimetric analysis of A17 cells demonstrated that sub-lethal doses of PRSE reduce the number of cells in S phase, inducing the accumulation of cells in G1 phase of cell cycle. In addition, the migration of A17 cells was studied monitoring the ability of PRSE to inhibit cellular mobility. Gene expression analysis revealed the modulation of 12 genes playing different roles in the cellular migration, adhesion and invasion processes. Finally, in vivo experiments showed the growth inhibition of A17 cells orthotopically transplanted into FVB syngeneic mice fed with PRSE. Overall, we demonstrated that PRSE exerts important biological activities against a highly invasive breast cancer cell line both in vitro and in vivo suggesting the strawberry extracts as preventive/curative food strategy. metadata Amatori, Stefano; Mazzoni, Luca; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Giampieri, Francesca; Gasparrini, Massimiliano; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Afrin, Sadia; Errico Provenzano, Alfredo; Persico, Giuseppe; Mezzetti, Bruno; Amici, Augusto; Fanelli, Mirco y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, tamara.forbes@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2016) Polyphenol-rich strawberry extract (PRSE) shows in vitro and in vivo biological activity against invasive breast cancer cells. Scientific Reports, 6 (1). ISSN 2045-2322
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122. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Cerrado Inglés This chapter describes the significance of oxidative stress and its involvement in major oral and general diseases, and discusses damage inflicted by oxidative stress to cellular structures. Atmospheric oxygen presents two unpaired electrons in the outer electron shell. Oxygen reduction takes place in a sequential addition of electrons that leads to reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation among which are superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radical. There is solid evidence that many oral diseases such as periodontitis or oral cancer are directly linked to loss of balance between antioxidant systems and endogenous or exogenous prooxidants. Moreover, oxidative stress is directly associated with several general pathological conditions, and in many cases, it represents the systemic link between the initiation of general diseases and the development of various oral conditions. These observations thoroughly justify the continuous search for new antioxidants as well as antioxidant usage in the prophylaxis and treatment of oral diseases. metadata Battino, Maurizio; Greabu, Maria y Calenic, Bogdan mail SIN ESPECIFICAR (2016) Oxidative stress in oral cavity: interplay between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in health, inflammation, and cancer. Wiley Online Library. pp. 155-166. ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
123. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Cerrado Inglés Doxorubicin (Dox), one of the most used chemotherapeutic agents, is known to generate oxidative stress and block DNA synthesis, which result in severe dose-limiting toxicity. A strategy to protect against Dox toxic effects could be to use dietary antioxidants of which fruits and vegetable are a rich source. In this context, strawberry consumption is associated with the maintenance of good health and the prevention of several diseases, thanks to the antioxidant capacities of its bioactive compounds. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effects of strawberry consumption against oxidative stress induced by Dox in rats. Animals were fed with strawberry enriched diet (15% of the total calories) for two months and Dox (10 mg/kg; i.p.) was injected at the end of the experimental period. Strawberry consumption significantly inhibited ROS production and oxidative damage biomarkers accumulation in plasma and liver tissue and alleviated histopathological changes in rat livers treated with Dox. The reduction of antioxidant enzyme activities was significantly mitigated after strawberry consumption. In addition, strawberry enriched diet ameliorated liver mitochondrial antioxidant levels and functionality. In conclusion, strawberry intake protects against Dox-induced toxicity, at plasma, liver and mitochondrial levels thanks to its high contents of bioactive compounds. metadata Giampieri, Francesca; Alvarez-Suarez, Jose M.; Gasparrini, Massimiliano; Forbes- Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Afrin, Sadia; Bompadre, Stefano; Rubini, Corrado; Zizzi, Antonio; Astolfi, Paola; Santos-Buelga, Celestino; González-Paramás, Ana M.; Quiles, Josè L.; Mezzetti, Bruno y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, tamara.forbes@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2016) Strawberry consumption alleviates doxorubicin-induced toxicity by suppressing oxidative stress. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 94. pp. 128-137. ISSN 0278-6915 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
124. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome (PLS) (OMIM: 245000) is a rare disease characterized by severe periodontitis and palmoplantar keratoderma. It is caused by mutations in both alleles of the cathepsin C (CatC) gene CTSC that completely abrogate the proteolytic activity of this cysteine proteinase. Most often, a genetic analysis to enable early and rapid diagnosis of PLS is unaffordable or unavailable. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that active CatC is constitutively excreted and can be easily traced in the urine of normal subjects. If this is true, determining its absence in the urine of patients would be an early, simple, reliable, low-cost and easy diagnostic technique. All 75 urine samples from healthy control subjects (aged 3 months to 80 years) contained proteolytically active CatC and its proform, as revealed by kinetic analysis and immunochemical detection. Of the urine samples of 31 patients with a PLS phenotype, 29 contained neither proteolytically active CatC nor the CatC antigen, so that the PLS diagnosis was confirmed. CatC was detected in the urine of the other two patients, and genetic analysis revealed no loss-of-function mutation in CTSC, indicating that they suffer from a PLS-like condition but not from PLS. Screening for the absence of urinary CatC activity soon after birth and early treatment before the onset of PLS manifestations will help to prevent aggressive periodontitis and loss of many teeth, and should considerably improve the quality of life of PLS patients. metadata Hamon, Yveline; Legowska, Monika; Fergelot, Patricia; Dallet-Choisy, Sandrine; Newell, Louise; Vanderlynden, Lise; Kord Valeshabad, Ali; Acrich, Karina; Kord, Hadi; Tsamakis, Charalampos; Morice-Picard, Fanny; Surplice, Ian; Zoidakis, Jerome; David, Karen; Vlahou, Antonia; Ragunatha, Shivanna; Nagy, Nikoletta; Farkas, Katalin; Széll, Márta; Goizet, Cyril; Schacher, Beate; Battino, Maurizio; Al Farraj Aldosari, Abdullah; Wang, Xinwen; Liu, Yang; Marchand-Adam, Sylvain; Lesner, Adam; Kara, Elodie; Korkmaz-Icöz, Sevil; Moss, Celia; Eickholz, Peter; Taieb, Alain; Kavukcu, Salih; Jenne, Dieter E.; Gauthier, Francis y Korkmaz, Brice mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2016) Analysis of urinary cathepsin C for diagnosing Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome. FEBS Journal, 283 (3). pp. 498-509. ISSN 1742464X
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125. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Cerrado Inglés Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) are extremely lethal and still poorly treated primary brain tumors, characterized by the presence of highly tumorigenic cancer stem cell (CSC) subpopulations, considered responsible for tumor relapse. In order to successfully eradicate GBM growth and recurrence, new anti-cancer strategies selectively targeting CSCs should be designed. CSCs might be eradicated by targeting some of their cell surface markers and transporters, inducing their differentiation, impacting their hyper-glycolytic metabolism, inhibiting CSC-related signaling pathways and/or by targeting their microenvironmental niche. In this regard, phytocompounds such as curcumin, isothiocyanates, resveratrol and epigallocatechin-3-gallate have been shown to prevent or reverse cancer-related epigenetic dysfunctions, reducing tumorigenesis, preventing metastasis and/or increasing chemotherapy and radiotherapy efficacy. However, the actual bioavailability and metabolic processing of phytocompounds is generally unknown, and the presence of the blood brain barrier often represents a limitation to glioma treatments. Nowadays, nanoparticles (NPs) can be loaded with therapeutic compounds such as phytochemicals, improving their bioavailability and their targeted delivery within the GBM tumor bulk. Moreover, NPs can be designed to increase their tropism and specificity toward CSCs by conjugating their surface with antibodies specific for CSC antigens, with ligands or with glucose analogues. Here we discuss the use of phytochemicals as anti-glioma agents and the applicability of phytochemical-loaded NPs as drug delivery systems to target GBM. Additionally, we provide some examples on how NPs can be specifically formulated to improve CSC targeting. metadata Pistollato, Francesca; Bremer-Hoffmann, Susanne; Basso, Giuseppe; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Elío Pascual, Iñaki; Masías Vergara, Manuel; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.pistollato@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, inaki.elio@uneatlantico.es, manuel.masias@uneatlantico.es, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2016) Targeting Glioblastoma with the Use of Phytocompounds and Nanoparticles. Targeted Oncology, 11 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1776-2596 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
126. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés It has been hypothesized that alterations in the composition of the gut microbiota might be associated with the onset of certain human pathologies, such as Alzheimer disease, a neurodegenerative syndrome associated with cerebral accumulation of amyloid-β fibrils. It has been shown that bacteria populating the gut microbiota can release significant amounts of amyloids and lipopolysaccharides, which might play a role in the modulation of signaling pathways and the production of proinflammatory cytokines related to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Additionally, nutrients have been shown to affect the composition of the gut microbiota as well as the formation and aggregation of cerebral amyloid-β. This suggests that modulating the gut microbiome and amyloidogenesis through specific nutritional interventions might prove to be an effective strategy to prevent or reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease. This review examines the possible role of the gut in the dissemination of amyloids, the role of the gut microbiota in the regulation of the gut–brain axis, the potential amyloidogenic properties of gut bacteria, and the possible impact of nutrients on modulation of microbiota composition and amyloid formation in relation to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. metadata Pistollato, Francesca; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Elío Pascual, Iñaki; Masias Vergara, Manuel; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.pistollato@uneatlantico.es, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, inaki.elio@uneatlantico.es, manuel.masias@uneatlantico.es, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2016) Role of gut microbiota and nutrients in amyloid formation and pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Nutrition Reviews, 74 (10). pp. 624-634. ISSN 0029-6643 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
127. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is a naturally occurring molecule located in the hydrophobic domain of the phospholipid bilayer of all biological membranes. Shortly after being discovered, it was recognized as an essential electron transport chain component in mitochondria where it is particularly abundant. Since then, more additional roles in cell physiology have been reported, including antioxidant, signaling, death prevention, and others. It is known that all cells are able to synthesize functionally sufficient amounts of CoQ under normal physiological conditions. However, CoQ is a molecule found in different dietary sources, which can be taken up and incorporated into biological membranes. It is known that mitochondria have a close relationship with the aging process. Additionally, delaying the aging process through diet has aroused the interest of scientists for many years. These observations have stimulated investigation of the anti-aging potential of CoQ and its possible use in dietary therapies to alleviate the effects of aging. In this context, the present review focus on the current knowledge and evidence the roles of CoQ cells, its relationship with aging, and possible implications of dietary CoQ in relation to aging, lifespan or age-related diseases. metadata Varela-López, Alfonso; Giampieri, Francesca; Battino, Maurizio y Quiles, Jose L. mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2016) Coenzyme Q and Its Role in the Dietary Therapy against Aging. Molecules, 21 (3). p. 373. ISSN 1420-3049
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128. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR Oxidative stress is implicated in several infectious diseases. In this regard, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an endotoxic component, induces mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in several pathological events such as periodontal disease or sepsis. In our experiments, LPS-treated fibroblasts provoked increased oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, reduced oxygen consumption and mitochondrial biogenesis. After comparing coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), we observed a more significant protection of CoQ10 than of NAC, which was comparable with other lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants such as vitamin E or BHA respectively. CoQ10 improved mitochondrial biogenesis by activating PGC-1α and TFAM. This lipophilic antioxidant protection was observed in mice after LPS injection. These results show that mitochondria-targeted lipophilic antioxidants could be a possible specific therapeutic strategy in pharmacology in the treatment of infectious diseases and their complications. metadata Bullón, Pedro; Román-Malo, Lourdes; Marín-Aguilar, Fabiola; Alvarez-Suarez, José Miguel; Giampieri, Francesca; Battino, Maurizio y Cordero, Mario D. mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, josemanuel.alvarez@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2015) Lipophilic antioxidants prevent lipopolysaccharide-induced mitochondrial dysfunction through mitochondrial biogenesis improvement. Pharmacological Research, 91. pp. 1-8. ISSN 10436618 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
129. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR Environmental and lifestyle factors are known to play an important role during gestation, determining newborns' health status and influencing their risk of being subject to certain noncommunicable diseases later in life. In particular, maternal nutritional patterns characterized by a low intake of plant-derived foods could increase the risk of gestation-related issues, such as preeclampsia and pregravid obesity, increase genotoxicant susceptibility, and contribute to the onset of pediatric diseases. In particular, the risk of pediatric wheeze, diabetes, neural tube defects, orofacial clefts, and some pediatric tumors seems to be reduced by maternal intake of adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, and selected antioxidants. Nevertheless, plant-based diets, like any other diet, if improperly balanced, could be deficient in some specific nutrients that are particularly relevant during gestation, such as n–3 (ω-3) fatty acids, vitamin B-12, iron, zinc, and iodine, possibly affecting the offspring's health state. Here we review the scientific literature in this field, focusing specifically on observational studies in humans, and highlight protective effects elicited by maternal diets enriched in plant-derived foods and possible issues related to maternal plant-based diets. metadata Pistollato, Francesca; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Elio Pascual, Iñaki; Masias Vergara, Manuel; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.pistollato@uneatlantico.es, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, inaki.elio@uneatlantico.es, manuel.masias@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2015) Plant-Based and Plant-Rich Diet Patterns during Gestation: Beneficial Effects and Possible Shortcomings. Advances in Nutrition, 6 (5). pp. 581-591. ISSN 2161-8313 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
130. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR Impaired AMPK is associated with a wide spectrum of clinical and pathological conditions, ranging from obesity, altered responses to exercise or metabolic syndrome, to inflammation, disturbed mitochondrial biogenesis and defective response to energy stress. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a world-wide diffused musculoskeletal chronic pain condition that affects up to 5% of the general population and comprises all the above mentioned pathophysiological states. Here, we tested the involvement of AMPK activation in fibroblasts derived from FM patients. AMPK was not phosphorylated in fibroblasts from FM patients and was associated with decreased mitochondrial biogenesis, reduced oxygen consumption, decreased antioxidant enzymes expression levels and mitochondrial dysfunction. However, mtDNA sequencing analysis did not show any important alterations which could justify the mitochondrial defects. AMPK activation in FM fibroblast was impaired in response to moderate oxidative stress. In contrast, AMPK activation by metformin or incubation with serum from caloric restricted mice improved the response to moderate oxidative stress and mitochondrial metabolism in FM fibroblasts. These results suggest that AMPK plays an essential role in FM pathophysiology and could represent the basis for a valuable new therapeutic target/strategy. Furthermore, both metformin and caloric restriction could be an interesting therapeutic approach in FM. metadata Alcocer-Gómez, Elísabet; Garrido-Maraver, Juan; Bullón, Pedro; Marín-Aguilar, Fabiola; Cotán, David; Carrión, Angel M.; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Giampieri, Francesca; Sánchez-Alcazar, José Antonio; Battino, Maurizio y Cordero, Mario D. mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, jose.alvarez@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2015) Metformin and caloric restriction induce an AMPK-dependent restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction in fibroblasts from Fibromyalgia patients. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1852 (7). pp. 1257-1267. ISSN 0925-4439 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
131. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Cerrado Inglés Since a high intake of fruits and vegetables is inversely related to the incidence of several degenerative diseases, the importance of a balanced diet in relation to human health has received increased consumer attention worldwide. Strawberries (Fragaria X ananassa, Duch.) are a rich source of a wide variety of nutritive compounds such as sugars, vitamins, and minerals, as well as non-nutritive, bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, anthocyanins and phenolic acids. All of these compounds exert a synergistic and cumulative effect on human health promotion and in disease prevention. Strawberry phenolics are indeed able (i) to detoxify free radicals blocking their production, (ii) to modulate the expression of genes involved in metabolism, cell survival and proliferation and antioxidant defense, and (iii) to protect and repair DNA damage. The overall objective of the present review is to update and discuss the key findings, from recent in vivo studies, on the effects of strawberries on human health. Particular attention will be paid to the molecular mechanisms proposed to explain the health effects of polyphenols against the most common diseases related to oxidative stress driven pathologies, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, obesity and neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammation. metadata Giampieri, Francesca; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Gasparrini, Massimiliano; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Afrin, Sadia; Bompadre, Stefano; Quiles, José L.; Mezzetti, Bruno y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, tamara.forbes@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2015) Strawberry as a health promoter: an evidence based review. Food & Function, 6 (5). pp. 1386-1398. ISSN 2042-6496 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
132. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR Berries are a relevant source of micronutrients and nonessential phytochemicals, such as polyphenol compounds, that play a synergistic and cumulative role in human health promotion. Several systematic analyses showed that berry phenolics are able to detoxify reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, blocking their production, to intervene in the cell cycle, participating in the transduction and expression of genes involved in apoptosis, and to repair oxidative DNA damage. As a consequence, the improvement of the nutritional quality of berries has become a new quality target of breeding and biotechnological strategies, to control or to increase the content of specific health-related compounds in fruits. This work reviews, on the basis of the in vitro and in vivo evidence, the main berries' phytochemical compounds and their possible mechanisms of action on pathways involved in several type of diseases, with particular attention to cancer, inflammation, neurodegeneration, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry metadata Mazzoni, Luca; Perez-Lopez, Patricia; Giampieri, Francesca; Alvarez-Suarez, José M.; Gasparrini, Massimiliano; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Quiles, José L.; Mezzetti, Bruno y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, tamara.forbes@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2015) The genetic aspects of berries: from field to health. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96 (2). pp. 365-371. ISSN 00225142 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
133. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Cerrado Inglés In the last decades cancer has been considered as an epigenetic dysfunction, given the profound role of diet and lifestyle in cancer prevention and the determination of cancer risk. A plethora of recent publications have addressed the specific role of several environmental factors, such as nutritional habits, behavior, stress and toxins in the regulation of the physiological and cancer epigenome. In particular, plant-derived bioactive nutrients have been seen to positively affect normal cell growth, proliferation and differentiation and also to revert cancer related epigenetic dysfunctions, reducing tumorigenesis, preventing metastasis and/or increasing chemo and radiotherapy efficacy. Moreover, virtually all cancer types are characterized by the presence of cancer stem cell (CSC) subpopulations, residing in specific hypoxic and acidic microenvironments, or niches, and these cells are currently considered responsible for tumor resistance to therapy and tumor relapse. Modern anti-cancer strategies should be designed to selectively target CSCs and modulate the hypoxic and acidic tumor microenvironment, and, to this end, natural bioactive components seem to play a role. This review aims to discuss the effects elicited by plant-derived bioactive nutrients in the regulation of CSC self-renewal, cancer metabolism and tumor microenvironment. metadata Pistollato, Francesca; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.pistollato@uneatlantico.es, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2015) The use of plant-derived bioactive compounds to target cancer stem cells and modulate tumor microenvironment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 75. pp. 58-70. ISSN 02786915 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
134. Artículo Materias > Biomedicina
Materias > Alimentación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Cerrado Inglés In the last decade, specific dietary patterns, mainly characterized by high consumption of vegetables and fruits, have been proven beneficial for the prevention of both metabolic syndrome (MetS)-related dysfunctions and neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Nowadays, neuroimaging readouts can be used to diagnose AD, investigate MetS effects on brain functionality and anatomy, and assess the effects of dietary supplementations and nutritional patterns in relation to neurodegeneration and AD-related features. Here we review scientific literature describing the use of the most recent neuroimaging techniques to detect AD- and MetS-related brain features, and also to investigate associations between consolidated dietary patterns or nutritional interventions and AD, specifically focusing on observational and intervention studies in humans. metadata Pistollato, Francesca; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Elío Pascual, Iñaki; Masías Vergara, Manuel; Giampieri, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail francesca.pistollato@uneatlantico.es, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, inaki.elio@uneatlantico.es, manuel.masias@uneatlantico.es, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2015) The Use of Neuroimaging to Assess Associations Among Diet, Nutrients, Metabolic Syndrome, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 48 (2). pp. 303-318. ISSN 13872877 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
135. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Abierto Inglés Strawberry bioactive compounds are widely known to be powerful antioxidants. In this study, the antioxidant and anti-aging activities of a polyphenol-rich strawberry extract were evaluated using human dermal fibroblasts exposed to H2O2. Firstly, the phenol and flavonoid contents of strawberry extract were studied, as well as the antioxidant capacity. HPLC-DAD analysis was performed to determine the vitamin C and β-carotene concentration, while HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS analysis was used for anthocyanin identification. Strawberry extract presented a high antioxidant capacity, and a relevant concentration of vitamins and phenolics. Pelargonidin- and cyanidin-glycosides were the most representative anthocyanin components of the fruits. Fibroblasts incubated with strawberry extract and stressed with H2O2 showed an increase in cell viability, a smaller intracellular amount of ROS, and a reduction of membrane lipid peroxidation and DNA damage. Strawberry extract was also able to improve mitochondrial functionality, increasing the basal respiration of mitochondria and to promote a regenerative capacity of cells after exposure to pro-oxidant stimuli. These findings confirm that strawberries possess antioxidant properties and provide new insights into the beneficial role of strawberry bioactive compounds on protecting skin from oxidative stress and aging. metadata Giampieri, Francesca; Alvarez-Suarez, José; Mazzoni, Luca; Forbes-Hernandez, Tamara Y.; Gasparrini, Massimiliano; Gonzàlez-Paramàs, Ana; Santos-Buelga, Celestino; Quiles, José; Bompadre, Stefano; Mezzetti, Bruno y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, tamara.forbes@unini.edu.mx, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2014) Polyphenol-Rich Strawberry Extract Protects Human Dermal Fibroblasts against Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidative Damage and Improves Mitochondrial Functionality. Molecules, 19 (6). pp. 7798-7816. ISSN 1420-3049
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136. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Cerrado Inglés Plant-based diets are known to preserve body tissues from oxidative stress and inflammation, both hallmarks of chronic-degenerative diseases. In particular, plant-derived foods, such as legumes, represent a natural source of bioactive nutrients known to contribute to the prevention and amelioration of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension and impaired glucose metabolism, all factors implicated in metabolic syndrome (MetS), but also osteoporosis, neurodegeneration and some types of cancers. Here we revise recent literature on the role of plant-based diets, plant-foods and specific plant-nutrients in the prevention and regression of MetS and neurodegenerative diseases. We describe some of the molecular mechanisms underlying these protective effects, highlighting the role of diet in the control of hyper-homocysteinemia and insulin resistance, often implicated in the etiology of both metabolic and neurodegenerative syndromes. metadata Pistollato, Francesca y Battino, Maurizio mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2014) Role of plant-based diets in the prevention and regression of metabolic syndrome and neurodegenerative diseases. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 40 (1). pp. 62-81. ISSN 09242244 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
137. Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR SIN ESPECIFICAR metadata Elío Pascual, Iñaki; Sumalla Cano, Sandra; Dominguez Azpíroz, Irma; Jarrin, Sandra; Montejo, Marylin y Battino, Maurizio mail inaki.elio@uneatlantico.es, sandra.sumalla@uneatlantico.es, irma.dominguez@uneatlantico.es, sandra.jarrin@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es (2013) PP194-MON assessing the nutritional intake and the profile of a latin american group of nutrition postgraduate students. Clinical Nutrition, 32. S194. ISSN 0261-5614 ["page:item_not_available" not defined]
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<a href="/10290/1/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/10290/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Influence of E-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria

The main aim of this study was to analyse the influence of e-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria. The current landscape of basketball coach training shows an increasing demand for innovative training models and emerging pedagogies, including e-learning-based methodologies. The study sample consisted of fifty students from these courses, all above 16 years of age (36 males, 14 females). Among them, 16% resided outside the autonomous community of Cantabria, 10% resided more than 50 km from the city of Santander, 36% between 10 and 50 km, 14% less than 10 km, and 24% resided within Santander city. Data were collected through a Google Forms survey distributed by the Cantabrian Basketball Federation to training course students. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The survey, consisting of 56 questions, was validated by two sports and health doctors and two senior basketball coaches. The collected data were processed and analysed using Microsoft® Excel version 16.74, and the results were expressed in percentages. The analysis revealed that 24.60% of the students trained through the e-learning methodology considered themselves fully qualified as basketball coaches, contrasting with 10.98% of those trained via traditional face-to-face methodology. The results of the study provide insights into important characteristics that can be adjusted and improved within the investigated educational process. Moreover, the study concludes that e-learning training effectively qualifies basketball coaches in Cantabria.

Artículos y libros

Josep Alemany Iturriaga mail josep.alemany@uneatlantico.es, Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail alvaro.velarde@uneatlantico.es, Javier Jorge mail , Kamil Giglio mail ,

Alemany Iturriaga



Do ICT firms manage R&D differently? Firm-level and macroeconomic effects on corporate R&D investment: Empirical evidence from a multi-countries context

Technological firms invest in R&D looking for innovative solutions but assuming high costs and great (technological) uncertainty regarding final results and returns. Additionally, they face other problems related to R&D management. This empirical study tries to determine which of the factors favour or constrain the decision of these firms to engage in R&D. The analysis uses financial data of 14,619 ICT listed companies of 22 countries from 2003 to 2018. Additionally, macroeconomic data specific for the countries and the sector were used. For the analysis of dynamic panel data, a System-GMM method is used. Among the findings, we highlight that cash flow, contrary to the known theoretical models and empirical evidences, negatively impacts on R&D investment. Debt is neither the right source for R&D funding, as the effect is also negative. This suggests that ICT companies are forced to manage their R&D activities differently, relying more on other funding sources, taking advantage of growth opportunities and benefiting from a favourable macroeconomic environment in terms of growth and increased business sector spending on R&D. These results are similar in both sub-sectors and in all countries, both bank- and market based. The exception is firms with few growth opportunities and little debt.

Artículos y libros

Inna Alexeeva-Alexeev mail inna.alexeeva@uneatlantico.es, Cristina Mazas Pérez-Oleag mail cristina.mazas@uneatlantico.es,




The mediation effect of emotion dysregulation in the relationship between stress and aggression on the road

Introduction Aggressive behaviour on the road is still one of the most studied constructs within human factor due to its strong relationship with crash-related events. Objective The aim of the current research was to analyse the relationship among vital stress, emotion dysregulation, and aggressive behaviour in this specific context. Method A sample composed of 410 Spanish drivers (62.8% female, Mage = 36.12, SDage = 12.99) taken from the general population was tested. Results The results showed positive and significant bivariate correlations among almost all of the variables. The multiple mediation model showed a partial mediation effect of emotion dysregulation, with a significant effect on the whole model, and more specifically, on both the lack of control and life interference. Conclusion The relevance of developing clinical interventions to improve emotion regulation abilities in aggressive drivers is discussed.

Artículos y libros

David Herrero-Fernández mail david.herrero@uneatlantico.es, Pamela Parada-Fernández mail pamela.parada@uneatlantico.es, Irene Rodríguez-Arcos mail , Julién Brito Ballester mail julien.brito@uneatlantico.es, Carmen Lilí Rodríguez Velasco mail carmen.rodriguez@uneatlantico.es,


<a class="ep_document_link" href="/12706/1/remotesensing-16-02099.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/12706/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/remotesensing-16-02099.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Analysis of Pigment Migrations in Cave of Altamira’s Prehistoric Paintings

The conservation of Cultural Heritage in cave environments, especially those hosting cave art, requires comprehensive conservation strategies to mitigate degradation risks derived from climatic influences and human activities. This study, focused on the Polychrome Hall of the Cave of Altamira, highlights the importance of integrating remote sensing methodologies to carry out effective conservation actions. By coupling a georeferenced Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) with a 1.6 GHz central-frequency antenna along with photogrammetry, we conducted non-invasive and high-resolution 3D studies to map preferential moisture pathways from the surface of the ceiling to the first 50 cm internally of the limestone structure. In parallel, we monitored the dynamics of surface water on the Ceiling and its correlation with pigment and other substance migrations. By standardizing our methodology, we aim to increase knowledge about the dynamics of infiltration water, which will enhance our understanding of the deterioration processes affecting cave paintings related to infiltration water. This will enable us to improve conservation strategies, suggesting possible indirect measures to reverse active deterioration processes. Integrating remote sensing techniques with geospatial analysis will aid in the validation and calibration of collected data, allowing for stronger interpretations of subsurface structures and conditions. All of this puts us in a position to contribute to the development of effective conservation methodologies, reduce alteration risks, and promote sustainable development practices, thus emphasizing the importance of remote sensing in safeguarding Cultural Heritage.

Artículos y libros

Vicente Bayarri Cayón mail vicente.bayarri@uneatlantico.es, Alfredo Prada mail , Francisco García mail , Carmen De Las Heras mail , Pilar Fatás mail ,

Bayarri Cayón

<a href="/12747/1/sensors-24-03754%20%281%29.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/12747/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/sensors-24-03754%20%281%29.pdf" border="0"/></a>



Ultra-Wide Band Radar Empowered Driver Drowsiness Detection with Convolutional Spatial Feature Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

Driving while drowsy poses significant risks, including reduced cognitive function and the potential for accidents, which can lead to severe consequences such as trauma, economic losses, injuries, or death. The use of artificial intelligence can enable effective detection of driver drowsiness, helping to prevent accidents and enhance driver performance. This research aims to address the crucial need for real-time and accurate drowsiness detection to mitigate the impact of fatigue-related accidents. Leveraging ultra-wideband radar data collected over five minutes, the dataset was segmented into one-minute chunks and transformed into grayscale images. Spatial features are retrieved from the images using a two-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network. Following that, these features were used to train and test multiple machine learning classifiers. The ensemble classifier RF-XGB-SVM, which combines Random Forest, XGBoost, and Support Vector Machine using a hard voting criterion, performed admirably with an accuracy of 96.6%. Additionally, the proposed approach was validated with a robust k-fold score of 97% and a standard deviation of 0.018, demonstrating significant results. The dataset is augmented using Generative Adversarial Networks, resulting in improved accuracies for all models. Among them, the RF-XGB-SVM model outperformed the rest with an accuracy score of 99.58%.

Artículos y libros

Hafeez Ur Rehman Siddiqui mail , Ambreen Akmal mail , Muhammad Iqbal mail , Adil Ali Saleem mail , Muhammad Amjad Raza mail , Kainat Zafar mail , Aqsa Zaib mail , Sandra Dudley mail , Jon Arambarri mail jon.arambarri@uneatlantico.es, Ángel Gabriel Kuc Castilla mail , Furqan Rustam mail ,
