Propuesta de un entrenamiento de fuerza con aumento de apoyo en el primer metatarso y su influencia en el valgo dinámico de rodilla en jugadores de fútbol juveniles

Tesis Materias > Educación física y el deporte Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Máster Cerrado Español Introducción/Objetivo: El valgo dinámico de rodilla es una alteración biomecánica del miembro inferior que se observa en un plano frontal, donde se da un colapso medial de la rodilla con respecto a la línea media del cuerpo, estando involucradas estructuras desde el pie y hasta la cadera. Esta alteración ha sido mencionada como la principal causa de lesiones de ligamento cruzado anterior y síndrome patelofemoral. El objetivo de esta investigación es brindar una propuesta de entrenamiento en jugadores de fútbol jóvenes para la corrección del valgo dinámico de rodilla mediante un aumento de apoyo en el primer metatarso para controlar la pronación del pie.Métodos: se incluyeron 24 jugadores de fútbol élite con edades entre 12 – 14 años del Deportivo Saprissa en Costa Rica. Se analizó el valgo dinámico de rodilla mediante el software Kinovea y se analizaron cambios de presión en el pie mediante una baropodometría. También se realizó la prueba del single leg hop test para la evaluación de las asimetrías en miembros inferiores. Posterior a 4 semanas donde se intervino en 2 de los 3 grupos con un entrenamiento de fuerza, y 2 de los grupos con el uso de una cuña de 3 mm en la cabeza del primer metatarso, se realizó una reevaluación.Resultados: se encontraron resultados significativos en el valgo dinámico de rodilla en la pierna dominante en todos los grupos (p < 0,011), para la pierna no dominante los cambios no fueron significativos (p = 0,779). No hubo diferencia entre los grupos en la disminución del valgo de rodilla. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias en las presiones plantares en el primer y segundo metatarso en ninguno de los dos pies.Conclusiones: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el valgo de rodilla en el grupo que realizó el entrenamiento de fuerza con la utilización de la cuña en el primer metatarso. El grupo de cuña fue el que obtuvo mayores cambios en el post test del kinovea.Los mayores cambios se observaron en la pierna dominante. metadata Herra Chaves, Anthony mail (2022) Propuesta de un entrenamiento de fuerza con aumento de apoyo en el primer metatarso y su influencia en el valgo dinámico de rodilla en jugadores de fútbol juveniles. Masters thesis, SIN ESPECIFICAR.

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Introducción/Objetivo: El valgo dinámico de rodilla es una alteración biomecánica del miembro inferior que se observa en un plano frontal, donde se da un colapso medial de la rodilla con respecto a la línea media del cuerpo, estando involucradas estructuras desde el pie y hasta la cadera. Esta alteración ha sido mencionada como la principal causa de lesiones de ligamento cruzado anterior y síndrome patelofemoral. El objetivo de esta investigación es brindar una propuesta de entrenamiento en jugadores de fútbol jóvenes para la corrección del valgo dinámico de rodilla mediante un aumento de apoyo en el primer metatarso para controlar la pronación del pie.Métodos: se incluyeron 24 jugadores de fútbol élite con edades entre 12 – 14 años del Deportivo Saprissa en Costa Rica. Se analizó el valgo dinámico de rodilla mediante el software Kinovea y se analizaron cambios de presión en el pie mediante una baropodometría. También se realizó la prueba del single leg hop test para la evaluación de las asimetrías en miembros inferiores. Posterior a 4 semanas donde se intervino en 2 de los 3 grupos con un entrenamiento de fuerza, y 2 de los grupos con el uso de una cuña de 3 mm en la cabeza del primer metatarso, se realizó una reevaluación.Resultados: se encontraron resultados significativos en el valgo dinámico de rodilla en la pierna dominante en todos los grupos (p < 0,011), para la pierna no dominante los cambios no fueron significativos (p = 0,779). No hubo diferencia entre los grupos en la disminución del valgo de rodilla. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias en las presiones plantares en el primer y segundo metatarso en ninguno de los dos pies.Conclusiones: No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el valgo de rodilla en el grupo que realizó el entrenamiento de fuerza con la utilización de la cuña en el primer metatarso. El grupo de cuña fue el que obtuvo mayores cambios en el post test del kinovea.Los mayores cambios se observaron en la pierna dominante.

Tipo de Documento: Tesis (Masters)
Palabras Clave: Valgo rodilla, fuerza, fútbol, primer metatarso
Clasificación temática: Materias > Educación física y el deporte
Divisiones: Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Máster
Depositado: 15 Abr 2024 23:30
Ultima Modificación: 15 Abr 2024 23:30

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Enzymatic treatment shapes in vitro digestion pattern of phenolic compounds in mulberry juice

The health benefits of mulberry fruit are closely associated with its phenolic compounds. However, the effects of enzymatic treatments on the digestion patterns of these compounds in mulberry juice remain largely unknown. This study investigated the impact of pectinase (PE), pectin lyase (PL), and cellulase (CE) on the release of phenolic compounds in whole mulberry juice. The digestion patterns were further evaluated using an in vitro simulated digestion model. The results revealed that PE significantly increased chlorogenic acid content by 77.8 %, PL enhanced cyanidin-3-O-glucoside by 20.5 %, and CE boosted quercetin by 44.5 %. Following in vitro digestion, the phenolic compound levels decreased differently depending on the treatment, while cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside content increased across all groups. In conclusion, the selected enzymes effectively promoted the release of phenolic compounds in mulberry juice. However, during gastrointestinal digestion, the degradation of phenolic compounds surpassed their enhanced release, with effects varying based on the compound's structure.

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A novel machine learning-based proposal for early prediction of endometriosis disease

Background Endometriosis is one of the causes of female infertility, with some studies estimating its prevalence at around 10 % of reproductive-age women worldwide and between 30 and 50 % in symptomatic women. However, its diagnosis is complex and often delayed, highlighting the need for more accessible and accurate diagnostic methods. The difficulty lies in its diverse etiology and the variability of symptoms among those affected. Methods This study proposes a predictive model based on supervised machine learning for the early identification of endometriosis, providing support for decision-making by healthcare professionals. For this purpose, an anonymised dataset of 5,143 female patients diagnosed with endometriosis at the private fertility clinic Inebir was used. The model integrates clinical records and genetic analysis through supervised machine learning algorithms, focusing on clinical variables and pathogenic and potentially pathogenic genetic variants. Results The developed predictive model achieves high accuracy in identifying the presence of endometriosis, highlighting the importance of combining clinical and genetic data in diagnosis. The integration of this data into the DELFOS platform, a clinical decision support system, demonstrates the utility of machine learning in improving the diagnosis of endometriosis. Conclusions The findings underscore the potential of clinical and genetic factors in the early diagnosis of endometriosis using supervised machine learning algorithms. This study contributes to the classification of clinical variables that influence endometriosis, offering a valuable tool for clinicians in making therapeutic and management decisions for their female patients.

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Effects of strength training with free weights and elastic resistance in older adults: A randomised clinical study

Background The aging process leads to negative changes in various bodily systems, including the neuromuscular system. Strength training, is considered the best strategy to counteract these neuromuscular changes, preventing sarcopenia and frailty in older adults. Objective To compare the effects of strength training with elastic resistance and free weights on the muscle strength of knee extensors and flexors and functional performance in the older adults. Methods This was a randomised clinical study. Thirty-one participants of both sexes were allocated randomly into two groups: Training Group Free Weight (TGFW, n = 15) and Training Group with Elastic Resistance (TGER, n = 16). Two individuals were excluded and so, twenty-nine individuals were evaluated before and after eight weeks training protocol, which was performed three times a week. The determination of the training load was obtained using a protocol of 10 repetitions maximum. Results No significant differences were found in either the intra- or the inter-group comparisons, on functional performance and peak muscle strength. In the intra-groups (pre- and post-strength training), it was observed that both groups significantly increased the training load (10 RM) for the extensors (TGFW p = 0.0002; TGER p = 0.0001) and the knee flexors (TGFW p = 0.006; TGER p = 0.0001). Conclusion Both training protocols similarly were effective in increasing the training load observed by the 10 RM test of the extension and flexion movements of the knee.

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Mediterranean Diet and Quality of Life in Adults: A Systematic Review

Background/Objectives: With the increasing life expectancy and, as a result, the aging of the global population, there has been a rise in the prevalence of chronic conditions, which can significantly impact individuals’ health-related quality of life, a multidimensional concept that comprises an individual’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing. While a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, such as Mediterranean diet, is widely recognized for its role in chronic disease prevention, particularly in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers, its potential benefits extend beyond these well-known effects, showing promise in improving physical and mental wellbeing, and promoting health-related quality of life. Methods: A systematic search of the scientific literature in electronic databases (Pubmed/Medline) was performed to identify potentially eligible studies reporting on the relation between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and health-related quality of life, published up to December 2024. Results: A total of 28 studies were included in this systematic review, comprising 13 studies conducted among the general population and 15 studies involving various types of patients. Overall, most studies showed a significant association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and HRQoL, with the most significant results retrieved for physical domains of quality of life, suggesting that diet seems to play a relevant role in both the general population and people affected by chronic conditions with an inflammatory basis. Conclusions: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet provides significant benefits in preventing and managing various chronic diseases commonly associated with aging populations. Furthermore, it enhances the overall health and quality of life of aging individuals, ultimately supporting more effective and less invasive treatment approaches for chronic diseases.

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Novel Transfer Learning Approach for Detecting Infected and Healthy Maize Crop Using Leaf Images

Maize is a staple crop worldwide, essential for food security, livestock feed, and industrial uses. Its health directly impacts agricultural productivity and economic stability. Effective detection of maize crop health is crucial for preventing disease spread and ensuring high yields. This study presents VG-GNBNet, an innovative transfer learning model that accurately detects healthy and infected maize crops through a two-step feature extraction process. The proposed model begins by leveraging the visual geometry group (VGG-16) network to extract initial pixel-based spatial features from the crop images. These features are then further refined using the Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) model and feature decomposition-based matrix factorization mechanism, which generates more informative features for classification purposes. This study incorporates machine learning models to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. By comparing VG-GNBNet's performance against these models, we validate its robustness and accuracy. Integrating deep learning and machine learning techniques allows VG-GNBNet to capitalize on the strengths of both approaches, leading to superior performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VG-GNBNet+GNB model significantly outperforms other models, achieving an impressive accuracy score of 99.85%. This high accuracy highlights the model's potential for practical application in the agricultural sector, where the precise detection of crop health is crucial for effective disease management and yield optimization.

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