@article{uneatlantico9217, volume = {16}, pages = {181--190}, number = {3}, title = {Betalains: The main bioactive compounds of Opuntia spp and their possible health benefits in the Mediterranean diet}, month = {Septiembre}, journal = {Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism}, year = {2023}, author = {Yasmany Armas Diaz and Zexiu Qi and Bei Yang and Nohora Milena Mart{\'i}nez L{\'o}pez and Mercedes Briones Urbano and Danila Cianciosi}, abstract = {Betalains are water-soluble, nitrogen-containing vacuolar pigment and can be divided into two subclasses: the yellow ? orange betaxanthins and the red ? violet betacyanin. These pigments can be found mainly in Latin America, but also in some parts of Asia, Africa, Australia and in the Mediterranean area. In this work an overview related with the status of research about betalains extracted from Opuntia spp and the enforces made to evaluate their positive incidence in the human body is provided. Several studies enhance their anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They also exhibit antimicrobial and antidiabetic effect. Taking into account these properties, betalains seem to be a promising natural alternative as a colorant to replace the synthetic ones in the food additive industry. In addition, the use of Opuntia spp fruits as possible colorant sources in the Food Industry, may contribute positively to the sustainable development in semi-arid regions.}, keywords = {Betalains, Opuntia spp, natural product, biological activity}, url = {http://repositorio.uneatlantico.es/id/eprint/9217/} }