eprintid: 5632 rev_number: 9 eprint_status: archive userid: 2 dir: disk0/00/00/56/32 datestamp: 2023-01-31 23:30:09 lastmod: 2023-07-17 23:30:47 status_changed: 2023-01-31 23:30:09 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Ramalingam, Rajakumar creators_name: Muniyan, Rajeswari creators_name: Dumka, Ankur creators_name: Singh, Devesh Pratap creators_name: Mohamed, Heba G. creators_name: Singh, Rajesh creators_name: Anand, Divya creators_name: Delgado Noya, Irene creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: divya.anand@uneatlantico.es creators_id: irene.delgado@uneatlantico.es title: Routing Protocol for MANET Based on QoS-Aware Service Composition with Dynamic Secured Broker Selection ispublished: pub subjects: uneat_eng divisions: uneatlantico_produccion_cientifica divisions: uninimx_produccion_cientifica full_text_status: public keywords: MANET; QoS metrics; routing protocol; cluster formation; link failure abstract: MANET is a mobile ad hoc network with many mobile nodes communicating without a centralized module. Infrastructure-less networks make it desirable for many researchers to publish and bind multimedia services. Each node in this infrastructure-less network acts as self-organizing and re-configurable. It allows services to deploy and attain from another node over the ad hoc network. The service composition aims to provide a user’s requirement by combining different atomic services based on non-functional QoS parameters such as reliability, availability, scalability, etc. To provide service composition in MANET is challenging because of the node mobility, link failure, and topology changes, so a traditional protocol will be sufficient to obtain real-time services from mobile nodes. In this paper, the ad hoc on-demand distance vector protocol (AODV) is used and analyzed based on MANET’s QoS (Quality of Service) metrics. The QoS metrics for MANET depends on delay, bandwidth, memory capacity, network load, and packet drop. The requester node and provider node broker acts as a composer for this MANET network. The authors propose a QoS-based Dynamic Secured Broker Selection architecture (QoSDSBS) for service composition in MANET, which uses a dynamic broker and provides a secure path selection based on QoS metrics. The proposed algorithm is simulated using Network Simulator (NS2) with 53 intermediate nodes and 35 mobile nodes of area 1000 m × 1000 m. The comparative results show that the proposed architecture outperforms, with standards, the AODV protocol and affords higher scalability and a reduced network load date: 2022-08 publication: Electronics volume: 11 number: 17 pagerange: 2637 id_number: doi:10.3390/electronics11172637 refereed: TRUE issn: 2079-9292 official_url: http://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11172637 access: open language: en citation: Artículo Materias > Ingeniería Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica Abierto Inglés MANET is a mobile ad hoc network with many mobile nodes communicating without a centralized module. Infrastructure-less networks make it desirable for many researchers to publish and bind multimedia services. Each node in this infrastructure-less network acts as self-organizing and re-configurable. It allows services to deploy and attain from another node over the ad hoc network. The service composition aims to provide a user’s requirement by combining different atomic services based on non-functional QoS parameters such as reliability, availability, scalability, etc. To provide service composition in MANET is challenging because of the node mobility, link failure, and topology changes, so a traditional protocol will be sufficient to obtain real-time services from mobile nodes. In this paper, the ad hoc on-demand distance vector protocol (AODV) is used and analyzed based on MANET’s QoS (Quality of Service) metrics. The QoS metrics for MANET depends on delay, bandwidth, memory capacity, network load, and packet drop. The requester node and provider node broker acts as a composer for this MANET network. The authors propose a QoS-based Dynamic Secured Broker Selection architecture (QoSDSBS) for service composition in MANET, which uses a dynamic broker and provides a secure path selection based on QoS metrics. The proposed algorithm is simulated using Network Simulator (NS2) with 53 intermediate nodes and 35 mobile nodes of area 1000 m × 1000 m. The comparative results show that the proposed architecture outperforms, with standards, the AODV protocol and affords higher scalability and a reduced network load metadata Ramalingam, Rajakumar; Muniyan, Rajeswari; Dumka, Ankur; Singh, Devesh Pratap; Mohamed, Heba G.; Singh, Rajesh; Anand, Divya y Delgado Noya, Irene mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, divya.anand@uneatlantico.es, irene.delgado@uneatlantico.es (2022) Routing Protocol for MANET Based on QoS-Aware Service Composition with Dynamic Secured Broker Selection. Electronics, 11 (17). p. 2637. ISSN 2079-9292 document_url: http://repositorio.uneatlantico.es/id/eprint/5632/1/electronics-11-02637-v2.pdf