Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
The requested Jean Monnet Chair is entitled “EU Telecommunications Policy and Information Society”. It is a project planned for 3 years of dedication and work, for a team of 3 teachers, specialized in the European Union, and singularly in the EU Telecommunications (Telecom for the rest of the document) Policy of the European Union. The Chair intends to teach 90 hours of effective teaching online lectures, by the Director of the Chair and 31 additional hours, complementary in content, by the members of the Chair team, in matters directly related to Telecom Policy of the EU, construction and evolution and with emphasis to the History, institutions involvement and major achievements of the relevant Telecom EU Policy, insofar as this Policy also has a transversal function with other policies of the Union, like education, health, internal market.... It is proposed, therefore, that the students, in addition to the knowledge in the Telecom Policy of the European Union, also will learn about other policies with the legal and institutional vision of the European construction, to understand the Telecom Policy. Its development and consolidation are essential for a true articulation of a united Europe. Additionally, one Seminar per year is planned, in which experts in Telecom, civil servants specialized in telecom and members from the very top Telecom companies will participate and also a book containing a general consideration of the Policy will be published with the great transformation of the EU Telecom policy in the last decades.
EU Telecommunications Policy and Information Society (EUTELIS).
Repositorio de la Universidad.