Materias > Educación física y el deporte
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Grado
Most teenagers have stopped performing activities such as playing in the street with their friends or spending more time outdoors. These activities have been replaced, by others that are totally contrary, related to the use of technological devices, which are readily available to them and every time at an earlier age.In addiction, there is an abandoned of physical activity in secondary school students related to overweight and other diseases compared to previous years and the ability of these students to perform sports activities. Moreover, the communicative difficulties and the scarce personal relationships between classmates outside school hours.New government regulations want to invest more in technology for the classes, but want to reduce physical education hours. The subject of the study goes beyond knowing the causes of why today's teenagers do not play in the street or spend time in outdoor activities. Future teachers or educators need to observe the behaviors of the students, comparing them with other kind of behaviors to achieve their phycological and academic goal.
Calderón Fernández, Carlos
Behavioral changes in adolescences nowadays.
Diploma thesis, Universidad Europea del Atlántico.