Tesis Materias > Educación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Máster
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Docencia > Trabajos finales de Máster
Cerrado Inglés The present project corresponds to a course design employing CLIL methodology to teach Science in English as the target language to a group of students in an elementary school in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. This course has been planned to take into consideration learners’ active participation, including hands-on activities that will lead to a better understanding and acquisition of the contents of the materials as body movement plays an important role in the cognitive and memorization process, and curriculum connection with other academic areas. Experiential knowledge is a solid element to learn but also an integral classroom environment that allows expressiveness, cooperation, and interaction between peers without any judgment. metadata Coello Franco, Gianella Alexandra mail gianellacoello11@hotmail.es (2022) A 6th Grade A2 EFL Communicative CLIL Course Design Implementing Hands-on Activities and Cross-Curricular Contents in A Monolingual Classroom in A Primary School in Ecuador. Masters thesis, SIN ESPECIFICAR.