@unpublished{uneatlantico2695, title = {An Action Research to Design, Implement and Evaluate a CLIL Communicative and Task-Based Approach Material for a 11th Grade Students with A1 Level of English from a Foundation in Buenaventura, Colombia.}, author = {Jhony Fernando Guerrero Salazar}, year = {2022}, month = {Agosto}, keywords = {Design, Implement, Evaluate, Teaching material, textbook, Teaching Approaches, cultural background, EFL field, Language teaching and learning.}, url = {http://repositorio.uneatlantico.es/id/eprint/2695/}, abstract = {This action research and material design project consists of the elaboration of a teaching tool to supply a real need and address a real problem that a certain population in the city of Buenaventura located in Colombia has which is in this case, the lack of resources or a textbook to impart English classes.This study uses action research to identify a dilema and uses a series of tools such as observation, interviews and text to collect data that was deeply analysed with the intention of seeking for the greatest strategy to overcome this need aforementioned.} }