%0 Journal Article %@ 1868-8527 %A López-González, Luis %A Herrero-Fernández, David %A Amutio, Alberto %A Santamaría, Txemi %A Van Gordon, William %D 2019 %F uneatlantico:164 %J Mindfulness %K Apego, Adulto, Evaluación, Medida, Validez. %N 5 %P 935-936 %T Validation of a Scale for Assessing Social Validity in Mindfulness-Based Educational Programs %U http://repositorio.uneatlantico.es/id/eprint/164/ %V 28 %X The CaMir-R is a short version of the original questionnaire which assesses attachment cognitions. Specifically, it is focused on subjects´ evaluations of their past and present attachment experiences, and their personal interpretations of parents´ attitudes during childhood. The aim of this study was to validate the CaMir-R in Spanish adult population. A total of 433 university students (121 men and 350 women) and 38 anorexic women completed the CaMir-R and other measures of eating disorder symptoms and borderline traits. Internal consistency and construct, concurrent and discriminant validity were evaluated. The results suggested a six-factor structure for 29 items with overall adequate internal consistency indexes, confirming its validity and reliability. The instrument permits a relatively short and inexpensive means of administration in large samples of adults.