Artículo Materias > Biomedicina
Materias > Alimentación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés Background: Flavonoids are naturally occurring dietary phytochemicals with significant antioxidant effects aside from several health benefits. People often consume them in combination with other food components. Compiling data establishes a link between bioactive flavonoids and prevention of several diseases in animal models, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gut dysbiosis, and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). However, numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the ineffectiveness of flavonoids contradicting rodent models, thereby challenging the validity of using flavonoids as dietary supplements. Aim of Review: This review provides a clinical perspective to emphasize the effective roles of dietary flavonoids as well as to summarize their specific mechanisms in animals briefly. metadata Li, Xiaopeng; Xie, Enjun; Sun, Shumin; Shen, Jie; Ding, Yujin; Wang, Jiaqi; Peng, Xiaoyu; Zheng, Ruting; Farag, Mohamed A. y Xiao, Jianbo mail SIN ESPECIFICAR (2025) Flavonoids for gastrointestinal tract local and associated systemic effects: A review of clinical trials and future perspectives. Journal of Advanced Research. ISSN 20901232