@unpublished{uneatlantico1544, author = {Maria Alexandra Torres Florez}, month = {Abril}, year = {2022}, title = {An Action Research Study on How to Implement the European Language Portfolio as a Learning Strategy for Developing Writing Skill through communicative tasks in a Public High School.}, abstract = {Nowadays, the use of strategies represent significant roll in English language teaching process, because these help learners to improve their skills. The Implementation of the European Language Portfolio is a strategy that develops the writing process through the communication tasks. This action research, carried out in learners from seventh grade in a public school in Colombia, aimed to understand the implementation of portfolio as learning strategy maximizes the writing skill. The data was gathered through participant observations, interviews, journals and the analysis of ELP through the communicative tasks worked in class. The information was interpreted under a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Finally, the results present the main contributions that implementation of the ELP is an excellent strategy to improve writing skill, as well as increase their vocabulary, allowing students to use it while writing in the foreign language.}, url = {http://repositorio.uneatlantico.es/id/eprint/1544/}, keywords = {ELP, Writing , Communicative task} }